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无线地盘调查 & 网络刷新部署

Network site surveys and enterprise WiFi deployment for optimized wireless access and performance

Platform-Neutral Wireless Surveys and AP 部署s

Our network refresh service leads organizations through wireless modernization by leveraging our three-phase 评估 & 设计、建造 & 船 and 部署 process, on a global scale, giving you a single vendor solution. 我们提供完整的端到端解决方案, 来自无线站点调查(覆盖热图), 优化的无线架构设计, to new cabling and AP installation with validation surveys.

Our platform-neutral approach means we aren’t tied to a specific manufacturer solution, 我们与您的目标和预算保持一致. 我们的方法是灵活的, allowing you to leverage only the service components that you need, 哪些有助于管理成本.


  • 评估 & 设计
    • This is the upfront wireless site survey and analysis work to determine the current state of your wireless network that enables us to develop an optimization roadmap. We follow the same approach for a wireless refresh or a new site implementation.
  • 构建 & 船
    • Once the design/architecture is finalized and the hardware is purchased, our global logistics team provides secure staging areas to store hardware where our network Subject Matter Experts (SME) can build and pre-configure devices with your project requirements. Next, we ship directly to the installation site.
  • 部署
    • Leveraging our hundreds of global field engineers, installing wireless hardware is one of our core capabilities. Part of our deployment process is to conduct a post-validation survey to confirm design specs


If a complete wireless network transformation isn’t your immediate need, our Wireless 十大赌博正规老平台 can address a number of project needs, 例如:新的办公室/仓库部署, WLAN安全评估, user connectivity and WLAN performance issue identification and resolution and wireless optimization.

Streamline Your Wireless Network Refresh Today

From 评估 and 设计 to 构建 and 船 to 部署, our global team of engineers can help survey and improve your wireless networking architecture.

毕竟, 这是你最大的资产之一, 人力资本, is only as good as the network that supports them. Ensure your networking infrastructure supports your team regardless of their on-site location.

请填写这张纸质表格, and a Park Place Technologies representative will reach out to schedule a time to discuss your wireless assessment and implementation needs. →



A Passive Survey (also called Validation Survey) is used to evaluate existing wireless coverage and performance and is the most common form of wireless surveys. 在被动调查中, the survey client silently listens to all Wi-Fi traffic on channels within the 2.4GHz和5GHz频段.
  • Wi-Fi信号强度
  • 噪音水平
  • 信噪比(SNR)
  • 同信道干扰
  • 信道重叠
  • 流氓设备
man performing development work for network refresh


A Predictive (also called Planner Survey) Survey models the RF environment using simulation tools. It is essential that the correct environmental information is entered into the modelling tool, 包括设施建设类型, heights and barriers like walls and large objects. Predictive surveys are used to optimize AP placements and plan for proper channel allocation to avoid channel overlapping, 干扰和漫游
  • 最广泛使用的接入点型号和天线
  • 频带和信道设置
  • 功率设置,高度,角度
  • 衰减区和壁型
  • 覆盖饱和的区域
female data center technicians evaluating rf site survey backend


This type of survey determines the RF signal propagation characteristics of pre-determined Access Points (AP). Although more time consuming, it is one of the most accurate surveys available. A wireless engineer physically places an AP at a specified location within the office, warehouse or facility and captures the performance. The process is repeated until coverage and/or project quality is met.
  • Determine the optimal locations for AP placement
  • Verify coverage in all required areas at the desired minimum signal strength and SNR
  • Ensure that adequate coverage overlap exists for client roaming
  • 验证AP的实际性能


A 射频频谱分析 provides real-time detection and identification of several non-WLAN sources (non 802.11 traffic) that interfere and lower the performance of WLAN networks. Using specialized antenna and associated software, 频谱分析检测, identifies and helps locate individual sources of RF interference, 包括非wlan设备等等.
  • Real Time Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) providing a view of the RF signal levels
  • Spectrum Density providing a long-term view into the network enabling the identification of infrequent transmissions
  • Spectrogram graph provides a scrolling history of the RF environment and allows a visual understanding of the spectrum over time to see intermittent spikes or bursts of RF energy that may be causing WLAN network problems
  • Interference Power – this graph displays the average power readings of interfering devices on the selected channel or channels